Tuesday, November 07, 2006

what to do?

It's not even 7:00 and katie is in bed. This feels very strange. I don't know what to do with myself. Usually, she's up until 8:30, and we spend about an hour getting ready for bed, reading stories and whatnot. Normally, I get back downstairs closer to 10, watch a movie and go to sleep. Soooo.... She must not be feeling well. I know her nose has been really stuffy and runny all day. I gave her some medicine which worked! she could breathe through her nose within about a half an hour, but i'm afraid it zonked her out!... she fell asleep downstairs on the couch. She told me she wanted to watch the "mice" movie (Disney's The Rescuers). She didn't even make it past the previews before her eyes were closed. So I carried her upstairs and she stayed asleep the whole time. I put her down in bed and haven't heard a word from her... I'm sure she's ok, but just super tired. She played with Michael aaallllll day, and never took a nap. so it is 7:00 and i have the whole evening to do nothing.
i'll probably go to bed.

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