Thursday, November 02, 2006

Take 2...

Ok. I tried creating a blog the other night and, being the genius that I am, I've already forgotten the password. So I've accepted the fact that I must abandon that online journal and begin anew. For my initial entry I have chosen to write about a discussion I had with my friend Mandy at work yesterday.

There is a patient at our office. I will refer to him as "Jim". Now, Jim is a 50-something male who sports a bald-mullet ponytail. Trying ever-so-hard to hold onto his youth, I imagine he must think his ponytail is pretty hot. As usual, I think Jim must have smoked about three cigarettes outside the office before actually coming in for his appointment. He said 'hello' and signed in a the front desk. His nasty cigarette breath was enough to literally make me cough and have to back up. I took him back to the therapy tables, where I proceeded to set him up for physiotherapy. I adhered electrodes to his mid- and low-back, and instructed him to go ahead and lay down. As he lay down, the bottom of his button-up shirt flapped open, exposing his belly button. Figuring he would notice and promptly adjust his shirt to cover up his belly, I thought nothing of it. Of course he didn't, and he lay there for twelve minutes with his shirt pulled up to his ribs. But I digress...

That actually has nothing to do with my topic of the day. What I intended to write about was the fact that Jim called me "kel". Now, there are only a handful of people on this earth who are allowed to shorten my five-letter name. I like to reserve that right for people that I know, and am close to. To be honest, I actually prefer "kell" to Kelly. My family has always referred to eachother by one-syllable names (Bri, Kath, Kell, Mom & Dad...) ... I know that Jim was just being nice and that he didn't mean to irritate me, but he did. He did in the same way that people who call me "sweetie" or "honey" do. Unless you're my mother or my husband, you may NOT use any term of endearment other than my NAME. It's as plain as that. I take that back-- I'll have to expand the "term of endearment" allowance to include any family. The worst was the other day at Steak-N-Shake. Our waitress managed to call me "honey" and "sweetie" within a minute, and proceeded to end every sentence thereafter with one or the other. I'm pretty sure her opening line was "Hey, honey, what can I get you to eat, baby doll?".... COME ON... I'm not your four year-old granddaughter. As I said before- I know these people don't do it to be mean or to irritate me, but THEY DO! Argh!!...Enough complaining....


Katie went to bed fairly easily tonight. She was a little loopy after dinner, which leads me to believe she must not have napped too long today (which is a good thing) :) ... It is Thursday night, and Grey's Anatomy and CSI are on in a little bit. I was so excited to hear that NBC has finally set a premiere date for the newest season of Scrubs on November 30. I was pretty mad when I realized that it will air at 9:00 PM on Thursdays... The only three tv shows I watch anymore will all be on at exactly the same time each week. ~~~ Ok. I'm complaining again. I have to stop. I'm glad I discovered that you can just watch most primetime shows online on the networks' websites the next day. Whew... What a relief.

I actually have a half an hour to do nothing before settling in for the night and watching Grey's (I'll probably tape CSI for later). I think I'll do some laundry. (oooh, exciting, I know...)

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