Tuesday, November 07, 2006

what to do?

It's not even 7:00 and katie is in bed. This feels very strange. I don't know what to do with myself. Usually, she's up until 8:30, and we spend about an hour getting ready for bed, reading stories and whatnot. Normally, I get back downstairs closer to 10, watch a movie and go to sleep. Soooo.... She must not be feeling well. I know her nose has been really stuffy and runny all day. I gave her some medicine which worked! she could breathe through her nose within about a half an hour, but i'm afraid it zonked her out!... she fell asleep downstairs on the couch. She told me she wanted to watch the "mice" movie (Disney's The Rescuers). She didn't even make it past the previews before her eyes were closed. So I carried her upstairs and she stayed asleep the whole time. I put her down in bed and haven't heard a word from her... I'm sure she's ok, but just super tired. She played with Michael aaallllll day, and never took a nap. so it is 7:00 and i have the whole evening to do nothing.
i'll probably go to bed.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

random survey to waste time

full name:Kelly Dinan
natural hair color:auburn
eye color:blue
number of siblings:two
glasses/contacts:i wear glasses sometimes
braces:not anymore, thanks.
color:green. sometimes blue.
band:Martin Sexton, Alison Krauss, and Flogging Molly
song:currently Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap
musical:Les Miserables and Mamma Mia!
stuffed animal:bunny.
video game:i abhor video games.
tv show(s):Scrubs, Grey's Anatomy, and CSI
game show(s):Hollywood Showdown. Does that count?
book(s):The Shining was pretty cool. I actually read that twice.
food:anything cheesey
game on a cell phone:riiiiight...
cd cover:
type of music:absolutely anything but rap or jazz.
type of food:cheesey food
flower:irises are nice
perfume/cologne:eau de kelly
comic book(s):no thanks
cereal:honey nut cheerios
website:us.imdb.com, comingsoon.net, and myspace.com are all pretty fun
cartoon:Get Fuzzy
play an instrument:i played the flute in district band in 6th grade.. i play piano and i sing.
watch more than 40 hours of tv per week:no. i used to, though.
blow-dry/straighten your hair:i frequently straighten my hair, yes.
like to sing:love to
have a job:i hope
have a car:it would make it difficult to get to work if i didn't have a car
if yes, what kind:2001 honda accord
have a cell phone:it's attached to my hip
play a sport:i used to play softball.
have a boyfriend/girlfriend:i have a husband.
have a crush on someone:uh, i guess i have a crush on josh, yeah
live outside the united states:no.
have more than 5 tv's in your house:nope
have any special talents or skills:i can bend the tips of my fingers but keep the second knuckle straight, does that make sense?
exercise daily:no
like school:i did not like school, no. i would like to go back, though- i think i'm ready :)
have a passport:no
have an ipod/mp3:i have an MP3 player which i rarely use
sing the alphabet backwards:slowly, sure
stand on your tip toes without shoes on:it would be sad if i couldn't.
walk on your arms:i used to. i haven't tried it in a while.
speak any other languages:i can get by with the french i learned in high school
go a day without food:not without a severe headahce, no
stay up for more than 24 hours:yes, if i have to.
read music, not just tabs:yes i can
roll your tongue:yep
eat a whole large pizza by yourself:no. i usually fill up after two slices.
make the clover with your tongue:?
snuck out of your parents house:nope
been kicked out of a parents house:nope
been on prime time tv:does TRL count?
been in a magazine:i've been in the NY Times
cried to get out of trouble:not that i remember
broke curfew:never needed one.
gotten lost in your own city:when we first moved to columbus, sure
seen a shooting star:yep
been in 2 places at once:
cried at a wedding/funeral:yes, i have emotions.
been outside of the united states:just to canada.
had a major surgery:nope.
solved a rubiks cube:i don't think so. i usually give up.
gone out in public with your p.j.'s on:frequently
cried over a boy:of course.
cried over a girl:yep
kissed a stranger at random:i kissed some guy on new years eve. some friend of a friend. i dont remember his name.
hugged a stranger at random:eh, no.
been in love at first sight:i think so
been in a fist fight:just kidding around
been arrested:nope
seen a boxing/wwf match live:no thanks.
done drugs:i was young once.
laughed so hard that a beverage came out of your nose:i'm sure at some point.
pushed all the buttons in an elevator:not on purpose
rode up extra floors in an elevator just to be close to someone:no
been in a wedding:yep- three
been to a funeral:yes
cried in a movie theatre:not a lot, but yes
gone to school on a saturday by mistake:no
sworn at your parents:no
been to warped tour:nope
kicked a guy where it hurts:no
been in love:yes
been to an awesome concert:ummm yes
been to a casino:a handful of times, yes
gone to a drive-in movie:yep
broken a bone:nope
gotten stitches:i had two in my finger when i shut it in a car door... then i gave birth, but we won't talk about those.
had a water balloon fight:i must have, yes
made a drink with whatever was in the frige:no
made muffins from scratch:no
bitten someone:not on purpose
been to disneyland/disneyworld:yep
more than 5 times:nope
been to niagra falls:yes. i can even spell it correctly, too.
burped in someone's face:uh, no.
had the chicken pox:yes
made out in public (i.e. movie theatre):i wouldn't call it in public if we were the only ones there.
brushed your teeth:this morning
used the toilet:a while ago
read a book:oh god... umm i read lord of the rings in 2003
had a snow day:no clue.
had a party:does katie's birthday party in june count?
had a sleepover:michael spent the night a few months ago. he's 2.
saw a movie in theatres:saturday
made fun of someone:probably at work on friday
tripped in front of someone:can't recall
went to the grocery store:yesterday
got sick:a few weeks ago
threw up:a few months ago, i guess
cursed:i think i black out when i curse. i dont' ever remember swearing, but josh insists he's heard me do it once or twice.
horror/comedy movies:horror
lights on/lights off:off
body spray/lotion:lotion
cash/check:debit card
pillows/blankets:blankets. i rarely use my pillow
headache/stomach ache:pick one? seriously?...
chinese food/mexican food:mexican
meat/vegetarian:meat please
(best friend) boy/girl:one of each, please
chocolate/vanilla shake:chocolate
french toast/pancakes:french toast
ocean/swimming pool:pool
(pet) fish/bird:bird
long sleeves/short sleeves:short
winter break/spring break:winter
do you have a best friend:yes
have you ever liked a friend:i hope so
do you have more guy friends or girl friends:probably about equal
have you ever lost a friend:yes
have you ever gone to an amusement park with a friend:yes
whats an inside joke between you and a friend:cree
have you ever gotten into a big arguement with a friend:yes
whats the nicest thing you've ever done for a friend:
whats the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you:participated in my wedding with their ex
do you miss any of your old friends:all of them
what friend have you known the longest:laura
do you regret anything you've done to a friend:no
how often do you spend time with your friends:rarely
do any of your friends drive:yes
if so what kinds of cars do they have:nice ones.
has a friend of yours ever died:not a close friend, no
whats the stupidest thing you've ever done with a friend:
what do you think your friends think of you:
have you ever been in love:yes
do you think that love is just a load of shit:no
do you believe that there is one special someone for everyone:yes
are you single:no
are you in a relationship:yes
if yes for how long:three years
what is your idea of a perfect date (activity):movie
whats the best date you've ever been on:
what was your first kiss like:i don't remember
how old were you:16
do you want to be married one day:i think so
do you someday want kids:i hope so
if you are single, have you ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend:
have you ever been dumped:yes
have you ever dumped someone:yes
good charlotte:nothing comes to mind...
blue:oyster cult
love:... marriage... again.
want:more money
crave:cheesey foods
hate:bad friends
miss:my mom
am annoyed:by lots of things. ask mandy.
would rather:hang out with friends
am tired of:whining
will always:love youuuu
favorite genre of music:anything but rap or jazz
what time is it:11:28 PM
what day is it:sunday
whens the last time you called someone:i called my mom at 8:30
how much cash is in your wallet right now:none
are you hungry:yes
what are you going to do after you finish this:get some food
do you like parades:not particularly. unless there are bagpipes!
do you like the moon:yes. and the moon likes me.
whats your astrological sign:saggitarius
if you could have any magical power, it would be..:
have you ever had a picnic:yes
did you ever have a skip-it as a kid:i don't know what a skip-it is, so no.
what about a sock-em-bop:not a clue.
are you wearing socks right now:yes
what about pants:yes
funny:i think so
attractive:at times
lazy:unfortunately, at times like this.. yes
hyper:i definitely have my moments.
friendly:not very outgoing, but friendly once you know me, yes.
evil:only every other tuesday
drunk driving:nay
canada:yay, why not.
united states:yay
rock music:yay
gay marriages:yay
killing:uh, nay
britney spears:nay
what song are you listening to right NOW..:none. watching Without a Trace
sky dive:no
bungy jump:no
play strip poker:no
ask someone out:probably not
run away:no
curse at a teacher:no
not have a shower for a whole week:yes, when i go camping, which i haven't done for twelve years.
visit a foreign country for more than a month alone:given the opportunity, yes
scuba dive:yes
have casual sex:no
write a book:probably not
what time is it now?:11:33 PM
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Thursday, November 02, 2006

Take 2...

Ok. I tried creating a blog the other night and, being the genius that I am, I've already forgotten the password. So I've accepted the fact that I must abandon that online journal and begin anew. For my initial entry I have chosen to write about a discussion I had with my friend Mandy at work yesterday.

There is a patient at our office. I will refer to him as "Jim". Now, Jim is a 50-something male who sports a bald-mullet ponytail. Trying ever-so-hard to hold onto his youth, I imagine he must think his ponytail is pretty hot. As usual, I think Jim must have smoked about three cigarettes outside the office before actually coming in for his appointment. He said 'hello' and signed in a the front desk. His nasty cigarette breath was enough to literally make me cough and have to back up. I took him back to the therapy tables, where I proceeded to set him up for physiotherapy. I adhered electrodes to his mid- and low-back, and instructed him to go ahead and lay down. As he lay down, the bottom of his button-up shirt flapped open, exposing his belly button. Figuring he would notice and promptly adjust his shirt to cover up his belly, I thought nothing of it. Of course he didn't, and he lay there for twelve minutes with his shirt pulled up to his ribs. But I digress...

That actually has nothing to do with my topic of the day. What I intended to write about was the fact that Jim called me "kel". Now, there are only a handful of people on this earth who are allowed to shorten my five-letter name. I like to reserve that right for people that I know, and am close to. To be honest, I actually prefer "kell" to Kelly. My family has always referred to eachother by one-syllable names (Bri, Kath, Kell, Mom & Dad...) ... I know that Jim was just being nice and that he didn't mean to irritate me, but he did. He did in the same way that people who call me "sweetie" or "honey" do. Unless you're my mother or my husband, you may NOT use any term of endearment other than my NAME. It's as plain as that. I take that back-- I'll have to expand the "term of endearment" allowance to include any family. The worst was the other day at Steak-N-Shake. Our waitress managed to call me "honey" and "sweetie" within a minute, and proceeded to end every sentence thereafter with one or the other. I'm pretty sure her opening line was "Hey, honey, what can I get you to eat, baby doll?".... COME ON... I'm not your four year-old granddaughter. As I said before- I know these people don't do it to be mean or to irritate me, but THEY DO! Argh!!...Enough complaining....


Katie went to bed fairly easily tonight. She was a little loopy after dinner, which leads me to believe she must not have napped too long today (which is a good thing) :) ... It is Thursday night, and Grey's Anatomy and CSI are on in a little bit. I was so excited to hear that NBC has finally set a premiere date for the newest season of Scrubs on November 30. I was pretty mad when I realized that it will air at 9:00 PM on Thursdays... The only three tv shows I watch anymore will all be on at exactly the same time each week. ~~~ Ok. I'm complaining again. I have to stop. I'm glad I discovered that you can just watch most primetime shows online on the networks' websites the next day. Whew... What a relief.

I actually have a half an hour to do nothing before settling in for the night and watching Grey's (I'll probably tape CSI for later). I think I'll do some laundry. (oooh, exciting, I know...)